The Outrage of the Morally Bankrupt Molech Worshippers, Useful Idiots, and I Am Neither Surprised Nor Amused


It’s predictable, yet frightening.  The outrage over the assassination of an Iranian terrorist coming from the Left is not surprising, but downright stupid nonetheless.  These are the same people who endorse, celebrate and take as a twisted sacrament the wholesale murder of unborn children (whose only crime in 99.9% of instances was to have been inconveniently conceived.)  Let that sink in for a moment.


Of course we forget to our peril that the whole debacle in Iran and in the greater Middle East is Jimmy Carter’s mess that dates back to 1979.  If anything we should remember that negotiating with terrorists only gets you more terrorism.  Obama poured gasoline on the dying embers of that fire- importing unvetted “refugees” from every radical Islamic terrorist nation on the globe and plopping them down in the Midwest- and appeasing the alligators of Iranian terror with planeloads of cash.  Jimmy, in his defense, was probably just a useful idiot being blind to history and too kind hearted for his own good.  Obama, not so much. To call him a cheerleader for radical Islam is mild- his actions have proven him to be at the very least one of their soldiers, if not a flat out traitor.

Trump is not going to tolerate the Islamofascist nonsense.  He sees Islamic terror for what it is- an evil scourge on humanity that makes Hitler’s brand of fascism – Nazism- look like a harmless frat party.   Trump is doing his job as Commander in Chief- taking out known threats to the United States and our interests.  It looks strange, and the Left is offended to see an American president standing his, and our ground, because the Left has become so accustomed to milquetoast appeasers like Carter, both Bushes (to a degree), Clinton and Obama.   They hate Trump 1. because he is right, and 2. because he is not their lap dog.

What most Westerners, and especially the historically illiterate Left don’t realize is that Islam has a long and violent history.  The word “Islam” itself means “submission.”  As in conversion by force- if not to the worship of their false moon-god idol, to at least the submission to their fascist system of government known as sharia law.  Every nation that has been touched by radical Islam has fallen into civil war and brutality.  Think Syria, Somalia, Iran and Iraq, if you need examples from 20th and 21st century history.

Islam in a nutshell, is a form of fascism more invasive and brutal than the Nazis’, because it hides behind a false religion.  Like Nazism, it slips in under the radar in a republic under the guise of “freedom of ideas and/ or religion.”  The unprecedented settling of Muslim invaders in the heart of America was, and is, a trojan horse.  Already, thanks to Obama and to state governors hungry for ill-gotten federal subsidies, there are communities in Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio that have become “Little Mogadishus”- hotbeds of Islamic settlements, paid for by taxpayers’ money, financed by working American citizens via the welfare dole. Democrats need votes somehow, and apparently the cemeteries aren’t proving to be fruitful enough.   Non-citizens get away with voting (at least in Ohio) without ID by providing a utility bill- which has no photo, and one does not need to be a citizen to have utilities in one’s name.  There is a reason why the Left vehemently opposes voter ID.  It makes it harder for them to cheat.

When the fascists gain power in numbers, then everyone else’s voices are silenced.  Again, Nazi Germany and how Hitler used a democratic system to defeat itself is a prime example.  Historical illiteracy- and one needs only go back to the 20th century to see this- is incredibly dangerous.

nazi propaganda

Why the Left has sought the alliance of a rabid bedfellow such as Islam is mindboggling.  Islam is no friend to the LBGTQ, XYZ, multiple gender snowflake movement or to the radical environmentalists.  Conservative Christians may oppose gay marriage- but we don’t behead gay people. Conservative Christians may advocate complimentary roles for men and women- but we don’t require women to wear burqas or forbid them from driving or from entering into contracts.  Conservative Christians may not agree with the radical environmental movement, but we know that the imams are not going to forgo halal butchering techniques (which amount to animal cruelty) any time soon.

The same people who scream for “reproductive rights” (i.e. making killing unborn children a twisted sacrament) are the same people who scream in outrage because our Commander in Chief deems it fit to take out a terrorist who is a scourge on the world and is a deep threat to national security.  It’s hard to make up that sort of hypocrisy and lunacy, but it’s alive and well.reproductive-rights-choose-life

The same people who have no problem at all with infanticide or the Islamization of the West, are outraged at a citizen within his second amendment right to shoot a well placed hollow point to the head to stop a killer in his tracks. They will cry and grovel and finance endless appeals to keep evil killers, rapists and molesters- as well as terrorists- alive and well and comfortable with free health care and cable TV- on the taxpayer’s dime, of course.

The irony is that if the radical Islamists get their way the Left will be bereft of all they hold dear…except mindless killing, and exploiting the American taxpayer to do it.  This is what they have in common.