The Outrage of the Morally Bankrupt Molech Worshippers, Useful Idiots, and I Am Neither Surprised Nor Amused


It’s predictable, yet frightening.  The outrage over the assassination of an Iranian terrorist coming from the Left is not surprising, but downright stupid nonetheless.  These are the same people who endorse, celebrate and take as a twisted sacrament the wholesale murder of unborn children (whose only crime in 99.9% of instances was to have been inconveniently conceived.)  Let that sink in for a moment.


Of course we forget to our peril that the whole debacle in Iran and in the greater Middle East is Jimmy Carter’s mess that dates back to 1979.  If anything we should remember that negotiating with terrorists only gets you more terrorism.  Obama poured gasoline on the dying embers of that fire- importing unvetted “refugees” from every radical Islamic terrorist nation on the globe and plopping them down in the Midwest- and appeasing the alligators of Iranian terror with planeloads of cash.  Jimmy, in his defense, was probably just a useful idiot being blind to history and too kind hearted for his own good.  Obama, not so much. To call him a cheerleader for radical Islam is mild- his actions have proven him to be at the very least one of their soldiers, if not a flat out traitor.

Trump is not going to tolerate the Islamofascist nonsense.  He sees Islamic terror for what it is- an evil scourge on humanity that makes Hitler’s brand of fascism – Nazism- look like a harmless frat party.   Trump is doing his job as Commander in Chief- taking out known threats to the United States and our interests.  It looks strange, and the Left is offended to see an American president standing his, and our ground, because the Left has become so accustomed to milquetoast appeasers like Carter, both Bushes (to a degree), Clinton and Obama.   They hate Trump 1. because he is right, and 2. because he is not their lap dog.

What most Westerners, and especially the historically illiterate Left don’t realize is that Islam has a long and violent history.  The word “Islam” itself means “submission.”  As in conversion by force- if not to the worship of their false moon-god idol, to at least the submission to their fascist system of government known as sharia law.  Every nation that has been touched by radical Islam has fallen into civil war and brutality.  Think Syria, Somalia, Iran and Iraq, if you need examples from 20th and 21st century history.

Islam in a nutshell, is a form of fascism more invasive and brutal than the Nazis’, because it hides behind a false religion.  Like Nazism, it slips in under the radar in a republic under the guise of “freedom of ideas and/ or religion.”  The unprecedented settling of Muslim invaders in the heart of America was, and is, a trojan horse.  Already, thanks to Obama and to state governors hungry for ill-gotten federal subsidies, there are communities in Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio that have become “Little Mogadishus”- hotbeds of Islamic settlements, paid for by taxpayers’ money, financed by working American citizens via the welfare dole. Democrats need votes somehow, and apparently the cemeteries aren’t proving to be fruitful enough.   Non-citizens get away with voting (at least in Ohio) without ID by providing a utility bill- which has no photo, and one does not need to be a citizen to have utilities in one’s name.  There is a reason why the Left vehemently opposes voter ID.  It makes it harder for them to cheat.

When the fascists gain power in numbers, then everyone else’s voices are silenced.  Again, Nazi Germany and how Hitler used a democratic system to defeat itself is a prime example.  Historical illiteracy- and one needs only go back to the 20th century to see this- is incredibly dangerous.

nazi propaganda

Why the Left has sought the alliance of a rabid bedfellow such as Islam is mindboggling.  Islam is no friend to the LBGTQ, XYZ, multiple gender snowflake movement or to the radical environmentalists.  Conservative Christians may oppose gay marriage- but we don’t behead gay people. Conservative Christians may advocate complimentary roles for men and women- but we don’t require women to wear burqas or forbid them from driving or from entering into contracts.  Conservative Christians may not agree with the radical environmental movement, but we know that the imams are not going to forgo halal butchering techniques (which amount to animal cruelty) any time soon.

The same people who scream for “reproductive rights” (i.e. making killing unborn children a twisted sacrament) are the same people who scream in outrage because our Commander in Chief deems it fit to take out a terrorist who is a scourge on the world and is a deep threat to national security.  It’s hard to make up that sort of hypocrisy and lunacy, but it’s alive and well.reproductive-rights-choose-life

The same people who have no problem at all with infanticide or the Islamization of the West, are outraged at a citizen within his second amendment right to shoot a well placed hollow point to the head to stop a killer in his tracks. They will cry and grovel and finance endless appeals to keep evil killers, rapists and molesters- as well as terrorists- alive and well and comfortable with free health care and cable TV- on the taxpayer’s dime, of course.

The irony is that if the radical Islamists get their way the Left will be bereft of all they hold dear…except mindless killing, and exploiting the American taxpayer to do it.  This is what they have in common.




Our President Has Balls- for the First Time Since 1989!

ronald_reagan_quoteNot everyone in this country is old enough to remember Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator.  He was the guy who had the balls to tell Gorbachev (the premier of the then Soviet Union) to “tear down this wall” between the two Berlins.  He was the guy who didn’t back down from American hegemony.  He called the Evil Empire (the USSR) out for what it was on the world stage.  It’s a shame that most of today’s pussy-hat wearing snowflakes have probably never even heard of Ronald Reagan.  Perhaps if they had, they would reconsider the “beauty of socialism” and perhaps even see why the gimme mentality is not really a good thing after all.

trump silent majority

I hesitate on some levels to compare Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan.  Trump doesn’t have the eloquence or the finesse that Reagan had.  Reagan had a gift for making his enemies do what he wanted them to without them really realizing it.  But Reagan and Trump are men of different eras, and their strategies are necessarily different.  Their aims, however, are remarkably similar.

Trump is blunt because this is a blunt world. Trump has some serious damage control to enact. This is a world who got used to seeing America through the eyes of milquetoast Bush 1, then through the scandals of Slick Willie (i.e. 8 years of con-artist and man-slut singing Kumbaya with leaders of terrorist regimes,) then through the bewildered void of the Bush 2 administration, only to (almost) write America off as a third world hole thanks to the Worst Excuse for an American President Ever- Barack Hussein (I love Islamic Terrorism!) Obama.

obamastupidHAD. Thank God.

Trump has to tell it like it is- and act accordingly- if our country is to survive.  I am not even talking hegemony here- but survival.

Standing up to the UN.  That blew my mind- in a good way of course.  Calling Kim Jong Il out as the “Rocket Man” (and making the song of the same name by Elton John stick in my head for a day and a half) was priceless.

I hope it’s not too late.







Damn the Torpedoes, Full Steam Ahead, and Let the Pundits Be Wrong


reagan-greatI have said before that I’ve not been as excited about a presidential candidate – meaning Donald Trump- since Reagan in 1980.  For you math wizards out there, I was 11 years old in 1980, and more than aware of how President Carter’s flawed policies (especially his mishandling of the coal strikes and the mollycoddling of unions that led to millions of jobs going overseas) contributed to the destruction of my home town.  I watched my friends and schoolmates move away as I was growing up.  I watched as our town turned into a poverty stricken ghost town.  My family at times was reduced to “pay the mortgage and utilities” or “get groceries.” More than once we survived on canned tuna, off brand mac & cheese, and Cream of Wheat.  .

Yes, in spite of what the pundits try to say- that people in my demographic, i.e. middle aged, white professional women, can’t possibly support a “racist” or “woman-hater” like Donald Trump, I beg to strongly disagree.


Trump is giving people like me, yes even women, a voice.  He’s saying all the things the establishment drones are too afraid (or too beholden to their donors) to say.  He is saying what many of us have been thinking and hoping for, and that we’ve been denied all these years.  We voted for establishment Republicans hoping to get away from the failed and dangerous policies of the dreadful socialist/globalist/terrorist supporting Democrats- and the people we voted for to fight those failed policies just go right along with them instead of listening to the people who voted for them.

Newsflash: the media won’t tell you this, but fly over country is PISSED.


I am tired of seeing my country being invaded by foreigners who refuse to contribute to the greater society because they subscribe to a medieval death cult (i.e. Islam,) that teaches that people like me should be dead, or at the very least objectified and forced into servitude.  Yet, between Obama and his buddy Kasich (who is supposedly a Republican) they moved in 41,000 Somalian invaders (91% of them are on welfare) into north Columbus (not far from where I live.)  The long and the short of that is I am paying to support people who want me dead, and I can’t do anything about it.  Nobody asked me- or anyone else in central Ohio- if they wanted these moochers planted here.  Do we really want little Mogadishu in the middle of Ohio? I know I sure as hell don’t. They destroyed their own country, and sure as night follows day they will mooch and pillage and destroy ours as well.


This isn’t Detroit…yet.

I don’t know if Trump will be able to “fix” what’s wrong in this country but he is at least naming and addressing the problems, which Obama and Hillary, all their sycophants, and even the establishment RINOs refuse to do.


I don’t have a problem with American hegemony.  I really don’t.  Perhaps it was the way I was raised- that the world doesn’t owe one a living, that excellence is its own reward, and that it is inherently wrong to mooch from others.

Trump is right in that it is time for Americans to put America first.  It is past time to stop the Islamic terrorists and drug cartels who are taking advantage of our open borders and asinine immigration policies.  It is past time to establish fair trade practices, and to end the welfare dependency class. It’s not a matter of xenophobia or racism but of sheer survival.  Unless we take drastic steps to end the destruction Obama and his failed policies have brought upon us, America will go the way of Europe.








The Death of Common Sense, Stand Your Ground, A Time for All Things Under Heaven



One switch to turn it on.  One switch to turn it off.  If only life were that cut and dry, it would be so much easier.

So who is naïve enough to believe that with the push of a switch the civilized world could turn back time and heed the warnings from the past?  I hate to be someone who says, “I told you so,” but, I told you so, and I take no comfort nor smug consolation in that statement.   The engine of human avarice will stop, but not of its own volition, not any time soon, and not before irreparable mistakes are made, and irreplaceable treasures are lost.

The seeds of destruction were sown long before my lifetime.  In fact if one is to be completely accurate about the eventual demise of humanity, it began with the Fall and the devolution simply continues.  I’m not being negative, I’m being pragmatic.  Facts are facts.  For those who doubt this assertion, look up the word entropy.  Given enough time, everything turns to shit.

At the current time the most nefarious and pernicious danger facing the free world is not “climate change.”  Climate change is happening, but it has always been happening, and always will happen no matter what humans do.  George Carlin had the best take on the folly of human-engineered climate change of anyone I have heard.

carlin on governmentThere is a certain irony that a comedian who has been dead for eight years makes more sense than policymakers. I find that fascinating, though sad.  I’ve also noticed that the more that people oppose the truth, the more that they make a mockery of themselves trying to defend a lie.  I don’t get how the fervor spent in defense of a lie somehow makes it true.

While Europe burns- largely due to their own blindness to the wolves they have ignorantly allowed on their soil- Obama, the naked wannabe emperor he is, is yukking it up with Communists and taking in a little Cuban b-ball. While America would likely be better off if Obama stays in Cuba, posing with a likeness of Che  Guevara, (how special) and displaying to the world just how big of an asshat he is, it is still regretful and embarrassing that he has so thoroughly disgraced the office he stole.

Obama Muslim Brotherhood

If anything his dreadful precedents should prove that voting is important, and that it’s about time the people voted for someone worth a damn- and that fraud is taken seriously for a change.


Then we have John Kasich.  At one time he came across as a half way decent guy, at least not as bat shit crazy as Ted Strickland- Ohio’s last governor who is unfortunately running for the US Senate.  Kasich is an embarrassment at best, and delusional is more like it.  The thing is, Ohio doesn’t want him back, especially after it came to light that he is behind the influx of Somalian welfare bums- some 40,000 of them-all potential Muslim terrorists, into central Ohio.


Charity is one thing, but when there are veterans in Ohio who are homeless or without proper health care, then I don’t give a fart in a high wind about foreign Muslim “refugees” who come here to suck up welfare, riot because they don’t like their free housing, and drive up the crime rate.  I sure hope Kasich thought the federal subsidy money for bringing in these people who are a drain on the economy and a significant terror risk was worth it.

Wonder if, while on his  Commie Paradise Vacation Tour, Obama remembers to buy his favorite RINO governor a Che Guevara t-shirt?



Whatever I Fear, the List is Long


I do believe in a literal hell, even though this rendering sort of reminds me of a mosh pit backlit with a red light.  Jesus talked about hell frequently in the Bible, and I don’t think He was being allegorical.  This being said, thankfully, I have neither the authority nor the desire to consign anyone to that realm.  There are enough horrors right here on this earth to convince me that I don’t want to see such things escalate or continue.

I’m sure that the way I’m wired has something to do with the fact that I tend toward fear most of the time.  Now that I’m older and have the life experience and scripts to be bit more rational about my fears, I don’t always appear to be a deer in the headlights, but those fears are far closer to the surface than I would like to acknowledge.


I’m not necessarily talking about dreams one has while sleeping.  I almost never have the vivid and terrifying dreams I had as a child, but neither do I have the wonderful, majestic visions in “good” dreams I once enjoyed either.  If I remember my dreams at all, they are usually rather banal and bland.   Whether the neutralization of my dreams is a side effect of the medications I take, or this numbing occurs because I seldom sleep soundly, or this graying effect can be attributed to the cumulative grimy jadedness of age, I don’t know.  I am thankful for the dearth of terrifying nightmares, but I could use a really good fantasy or two to savor these days.

full mourningWhy does Victorian mourning garb remind me of burqas?

I am terrified of the prospect that some day my granddaughter could be forced to wear a burqa and be subjugated to the barbaric laws of Islam. Maybe I am over reacting to what I see and read, but history has much to teach us about Islam and what happens when radical Islamists find their ways into civilization.

burqa-banNot here.  Not unless it is a personal choice and 100% voluntary. And who would voluntarily choose this?

I remember as a child being afraid (and this was during the Cold War) that the Soviet Union would randomly nuclear bomb the entire world into kingdom come. Of course my childhood was filled with fear around-the-clock,  fear of pretty much everything apart from dogs and books.

offended yoda

Historically speaking it takes pretty dire situations to wake up the American people.  We like to stay quiet and peaceful and complacently bucolic.  For the most part that is not a bad thing, except when change is necessary or a great adversity needs to be overcome.

We have dealt with an ever increasing degree of corruption, graft and cronyism in our government at all levels.  Obama is arguably the very worst and most corrupt president this country has ever seen, so much so that his very ineptitude and disdain for this country and disregard for the people is waking people up. We are pissed. We are afraid for our future, and we are realizing the need to do something about it.

wake up

The Times, They are Weird, and Payback, the Ineffable Bitch

Conservatives Gather Near Washington DC for CPAC 2015  (February 27, 2015)

Donald Trump speaks at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center at National Harbor MD on February 27, 2015. (Photo by Jeff Malet)


Ok, I will say it.  I’ve not been as wound up about a presidential election since I was an 11 year old kid passing out flyers and knocking on doors for the Reagan campaign in 1980. The last two election cycles (really, the last four, if you count G.W. Bush) I’ve sort of held my nose and voted for the Republican front runner not necessarily because he was the best choice there could possibly be, but because the Democrat running against him was a certifiable nut job or a flat out socialist/communist/leftist kook.   I’ll take a Mitt Romney- a moderate at best- over Barack Obama (in fact, I’d take my dead Husky -Sheena, as she had more sense and would do less damage in her current state of decomposition) any day of the week, but Romney was certainly no Ronald Reagan.

offended yoda

At first I saw and heard Donald Trump and thought, “Ross Perot 2.0,” but I’m not thinking that so much anymore.  The Donald gets things done.  Better yet, he makes sense. This could get interesting.  I might actually enjoy voting for this guy. I might actually be downright gleeful to see him win.

There are some good arguments against Trump.  He is vulgar.  He is brash. He has been on both sides of the political fence over the years.  He is in your face.  He is NOT the epitome of diplomacy and graciousness that was Ronald Reagan.  But these aren’t Reagan’s times.  We as a country, and a society have devolved much since then. If nothing else, Trump speaks to What’s Happening Now, and like sane and rightfully pissed off Americans everywhere, just having someone address what’s wrong and how it can be right again, is a breath of fresh air.

hobo died

Establishment suits like Cruz (who has the same nebulous eligibility issues as good old Barry O) or Rubio are just Democrat (socialist) lite and will continue on treading the “hold your nose,” lukewarm waters of appeasement like the entire GOP has during the entire illegitimate Obama presidency.  I, for one, want the anti-Obama. Someone who won’t be lukewarm, and who refuses to feed alligators.


Trump’s vulgarity is mild compared to the greater vulgarity to which he stands in opposition. He’s voicing all those politically correct truths that nobody dares bring up- the issue of immigration from terrorist harboring countries, illegal immigration, welfare dependency, the unfair taxation of working people to subsidize programs and people who taxpayers strongly oppose, and the unholy disaster that is Obamacare. Trump not only identifies the elephants in the room, he exposes the “Emperor” wannabe’s total lack of clothing, substance and morals.  I am thoroughly enjoying that.

All of the things I listed above are far more vulgar than Trump calling Obama a pussy, or Trump referring to Hillary Clinton as evil. Obama is a pussy, and Hillary most certainly is evil, but that’s beside the point.  I don’t like to engage in ad hom attacks, but I agree Obama is a pussy (and if you’re telling the truth, and backing it up with facts, then it ceases to be an ad hom attack) because he is not man enough to flat out tell the truth and tell the world he is a globalist, communist MUSLIM who is perpetrating jihad right along with his terrorist buddies. Hillary is evil because she is behind the very things that Obama also supports, which is especially heinous.  A woman being a cheerleader for the legality of late term abortions up until the due date of the child, (?) which to me says she is right up there on the evil scale with the biblical account of pagans sacrificing their offspring to good ol’ Molech.  Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose- the more things change, the more they stay the same. Baby killing is nothing new, but it’s still evil no matter how you try to rationalize it.


I dare to hope that the abomination of Obama will end some day. Maybe Hillary will go to jail for her treachery and fraud as well.

And I haven’t even started on the mysterious (yet oddly convenient for Obama and evil crew) death of a Supreme Court justice…










Politically Incorrect, Fashion Forward, and More Things I Shouldn’t Do

old people in bad shirts

Sometimes I have to wonder when I see old people wearing stuff like this. I’d bet Nixon was in office the last time this dude gave a mustache ride.  The chick in the “virgin” t-shirt probably lost it sometime around V-E Day.   Do they really read the t-shirts, or do they just put something on because it’s clean?  Or do they just put something on because they’re going to be painting, or varnishing, or prancing around in dirty things so they really don’t care?

When I wear snarky t-shirts (and I wear them a lot) I usually have my snark-effect planned out. I want people to wonder when they see me in a shirt that says, “Only Trust People Who Like Big Butts, They Cannot Lie.”  The “big butt” comment is even funnier when the reader of the shirt realizes that I am, shall we say, “bootily challenged.”  I have the flattest, most non-existent white-bread ass on the planet. Except maybe for my illustrious son.

If that’s the story behind these oldsters’ fashions, more power to them.  Keep ’em wondering.

For the younger set, Nixon was in office from 1969-1974. As far as American presidents go, Nixon gets a bad rap.  The dude was a choir boy compared to Bill Clinton, and a veritable saint when compared to the current illegitimate occupant of the White House.  But get me started on the detestable Barry O., and my rants can go on for days.


V-E Day (the day Allied victory was won in Europe) is May 8, 1945. The more I think about it, I bet a lot of people lost their virginity on V-E Day.  I can’t really correlate Nixon’s presidency with mustache rides, (I know when I think “sexy,” Richard Nixon doesn’t come to mind) other than to comment that in the 1970’s almost all VD was curable.

stamp out vd2

Sit on your ass and keep your mouth shut. That’s not terribly heroic, but it is 100% effective in preventing all forms of VD!

I wonder if it is considered offensive to refer to Germans as “Huns” (generally a WWI reference) or “Krauts” (generally a WWII reference) or is it OK to use either term- because Germans are white?

I know that the term “Cracker” is considered derisive (in some circles) when directed at white people from the American South, but when did it become gauche to make fun of rednecks?  It seems rednecks are the only socio-ethnic group that it’s OK to malign.

offended yoda

It’s time to stop worrying about offending people.

Speaking of which….In spite of myself, I really like Donald Trump.  I don’t know if I would really want him to be President (although I would gladly prefer my dead dog Sheena over the current illegitimate squatter) but I do like him speaking the truth and rocking the boat.  HIs politically incorrect approach is refreshing, if nothing else. There are people who need to be offended, and who need to have their heads pulled out of their asses.  If we haven’t learned anything else from the debacle of the Obama Administration, we should know that we need to call a turd a turd.  Those who don’t get it that the “Emperor” is naked – as well as being morally bankrupt and an aider and abettor of terrorism to boot- richly deserve a wake up call.    If Trump accomplishes that, more power to him.  The only thing I don’t want to see is a replay of Ross Perot, who in a roundabout way (another 20th century history lesson, kiddies) bought us eight long years of Bill Clinton.


If it’s cylindrical, brown, and left by the cat, it is best to assume the item is NOT a Tootsie Roll.

My cats are generally really good about using their boxes, and most cats are unless you let the boxes go too long or the cat is sick or something.  Healthy cats usually don’t have much trouble shitting where they’re supposed to.  Of course, the cats have the basement to themselves, with a small (too small for dogs) cat door so they can come and go downstairs as they need,. locker room

I didn’t generate this meme. I’m enough of a grammar Nazi to know that the author should have used “to” instead of “too.”

Still, it’s a good point.

I can use the men’s locker room and watch the sausage show.  Or not.  It would be my luck that the guys who wear Speedos but who should be wearing Bermudas would be showering.  I’d get a big old eyeful of something like this:

fat man in speedo

Better for me to shower in the women’s – and dress modestly behind the curtain.

The Error of Obama, the “Birther” Issue is Not the (Primary) Issue, and 2012

Color me vindictive, but I don’t believe everything I read, and even if I see it, I don’t necessarily believe that either.  It’s obvious that this picture is not proof that Obama literally took a trip down a kiddie slide to the Lake of Fire, although it is a mildly entertaining visual.  Documents can be forged, too.  With enough research and time and friends in low places, I could come up with a realistic looking birth certificate from anywhere.

I don’t really care where Obama was born- in a barn, in a box, in a train, with a fox…I do not like him, Sam I Am.  I would sooner vote for Green Eggs and Ham.

I’m not saying the Constitution is something to take lightly either.  A person who is born to two American citizens on American soil is a natural born citizen.  A person born to one American citizen and one foreigner (regardless of where) has dual citizenship until they reach the age of majority and can decide for themselves which citizenship they will take up.  We have a friend who had a very similar situation- one of his parents was an American citizen, the other a British subject.  When he was 18 and decided to join the Marines, he had to declare that he chose American citizenship.   A person born with dual citizenship (regardless of where)  is technically NOT a natural born American citizen, and is NOT eligible to hold the office of President.

The eligibility to hold office issue is serious, and thumbing one’s nose at the Constitution is not to be taken lightly, but I am more concerned with Obama’s performance (or should I say lack thereof) as President.  As much as I want to try to say something nice about the guy, the only nice thing I can honestly say about him is that he makes Jimmy Carter look good, Bill Clinton almost appear to be honest, and Dick Nixon. by comparison, is as innocent as a choir boy.

Even if Obama’s birth would have been filmed for posterity, and was undeniably proven to have occurred on American soil, and he were born to two verifiable American citizens, the fact is, he has brought more of what this country absolutely does NOT need.

A few examples:

Railroading through “Obamacare”- a nightmare of regulation and red tape engineered for the sole purpose of making healthcare even more impossible for the middle class to pay for.  Of course,  the middle class is stuck paying for everyone else to get what the middle class can’t afford- for free.  I’m proud to know that my tax dollars are paying for geezers on Medicare to get free pecker pumps-so they can still have fun in the sack, while I scrounge and go without other necessities just to be able to pay outrageously inflated prices for my own scripts and insulin- to keep myself alive.

The fact that Obama and his minions refer to abortion as “healthcare” and want tax money to pay for that too is simply more evidence of how morally bankrupt this guy is.

Sucking up to foreign despots and sympathizing with terrorists (*newsflash*- enemies of the state are NOT to be accorded the Constitutional rights of US citizens…) instead of growing a pair and calling evil for what it is.

Failing to again, grow a pair, and inform the Welfare nation that the handouts (especially those paid for at the expense of those who not only work for a living, but pay for all the deadbeats too) are officially dried up.

Failing to declare a national state of emergency and REQUIRE that we drill for oil where it is available here in this country, regardless of the NIMBYs, regardless of the cries of the tree huggers and the trial lawyers that will inevitably follow them.  Drilling for oil and environmental conservation are not mutually exclusive goals.  The reality is until we find a viable replacement for petroleum we need to produce our own and end our dependence on foreign oil.  If we were able to supply our own oil- even on a temporary basis- we could tell the entire Middle East to go blow.  Let them kill each other, since that’s what they want to do anyway, and when the jihad ends and the dust clears, we can move in and take it over.  They get their 70 virgins for boldly dying in jihad, (or eternity in the Lake of Fire…depending on your perspective) and we get the oil.  Win-Win!

Sucking up to Islamic nut jobs who want to see all Americans dead.  Islam is NOT a “religion of peace.”  Anyone who claims that has never read the Quran or learned much about the life of Mohammed.  Get a clue.  But it goes back to sucking up to terrorists and not having the balls to call evil what it is.

Generally I try not to be too obsessed with things political, because that’s one of the easiest ways for me to get aggravated about things that in large part, I can’t change.

I’ve heard it said that we get the leaders we deserve.  Apathy, ignorance, and a taste for free bread and circuses gave us Obama.  I can only hope that someone, somewhere, will give the Republicans a better choice than:

Donald Trump:  I like the Donald in many ways, especially by being a thorn in Obama’s side, but he’s too sensational, and he reminds me way too much of Ross Perot.

Sarah Palin:  I like Sarah too, but she’s too flighty and too easily mocked by the media.  They hate her, and will do anything to cast her in a negative light.  I hate to say it, but she also does come off as being a dingbat at times, which doesn’t help her when the media is looking for any slip of the tongue, educational gap, or error in etiquette.

Huckabee and /or Romney:  I never liked either of them.  Both are lame, not conservative enough, and the same old warmed over tired guys from 2008.

I would like to see Chris Christie run.  I think he would be a very good choice to not only supplant Obama, but to reverse some of the damage Obama’s done.

I know that Obama releasing a long form of his birth certificate is not going to satisfy the “birthers” or settle the debate about his eligibility for office.  The Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 gives Constitutional validity to impeach Obama right off- without even looking at the birther issue.  Something there about giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States rings a bell.

Perhaps Obama and his flagrant disregard for human life, morality, the Constitution and other essential components of American government as it was intended to be will wake some people up out of their apathetic fog come 2012.  What is equally important is that he is not replaced with yet another milquetoast puppet, but a real leader. 

If the choice were between Obama and Ron Jeremy, (thankfully it’s not…) I’d probably have to go with Ron Jeremy, and that’s sad.

’80’s Nostalgia, Humor in Suffering, and Things I Never Thought I’d See in a Museum

I thought it was weird when I saw the 1981 Reagan Limousine on display four years ago.  It was on display when I took Steve-o and his woman du jour to the Henry Ford Museum, lined up along with the Kennedy Assassination Limo and a string of other Presidential limos dating back to Roosevelt.  I need to make it a point to take a trip up there again soon, even though I absolutely hate the crappy roads in Detroit, and the Dearborn area is rather frightening even in the daytime.

Granted, this is a historical car- and technically it does belong in a museum- but the fact that the props (ok, artifacts) from events I remember as if they were yesterday are in museums is a bit disquieting.  As far as I’m concerned (yes, I know he died in 2004) Reagan should still be President, riding around in that limo.  I bet Reagan is spinning in his grave at the antics of his successors (Bill Clinton was bad enough- and a tomcat- but even though as far as anyone knows, he keeps his pants on, Obama is far worse) and that’s sad.   We could really use someone like Reagan today.  To quote a bumper sticker that I would put on the HK Yaris if I had enough room:

In the 80’s we had Bob Hope, Johnny Cash and President Reagan. Today we have No Hope, No Cash and President Obama.

I also like this one:

Put the Constitution on His Teleprompter!

I’m sure Obama could use some fresh new reading. 

The statement comparing the 80’s to today almost makes me depressed.  It makes me want to vote for Donald Trump, even though he’s no Reagan.  I like him better than the same old tired milquetoasts that have been dominating the Republican mainstream the past few years. Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are just plain too lame.  Like him, or hate him, The Donald has balls.  We need a President with balls. Obama has none.  I believe if he’s not directly in cahoots with terrorist nations and organizations, he’s not doing anything to stop them or even mitigate their actions.  He’s complicit with Black genocide in supporting abortion “rights” that are NOT the state’s to give and are clearly morally wrong.  Reagan was the last one who had the courage to call evil what it is and to do what was right even when it wasn’t popular.  I don’t know if Trump is in that league, but I think he is more aware of the right course for this country, at least in regard to economics and foreign policy, than Obama ever could be.  

The sad thing is back in the 90’s I didn’t think it could get any worse than Bill Clinton.  I was absolutely shocked at the dress-stain incident even though Clinton’s foreign policy (or the lack thereof) was even more devastating to the country than the shame he brought to the Oval Office.   Even so, if someone were to compare Clinton vs. Obama, I hate to say it, but I would take Bill Clinton in a heartbeat (which is disturbing clear down to my conservative Republican soul.)  If there is worse than Obama, and given human nature there is (even though we have not seen it in an American President, and I hope we never do) but- humanity gave us Stalin, Mao and Hitler after all.  I hope people aren’t dumb enough to vote for him/her.

One thing I also noted on our trip to the Henry Ford Museum was an exhibit on 80’s ephemera in which there was a Marlboro Lights 100’s pack, (now I don’t see that as historically worthy, but I smoked my share back then, so maybe so) and a collection of old vinyl records to die for by- Boston, Foreigner, The Police, Iron Maiden, Journey, and many other good ones.  The album art was so much better back then.  Someone actually had to draw them instead of just getting into some computer program and playing with it to make some funky design.   I still say the Journey Departure cover is one of the best:

We thought Defender was a “futuristic” video game.  Then again, we actually took quarters and went to the arcade to play video games and pinball. 

I still think it would be a much better world if Reagan were in the White House, and Neal Schon still had his fro.

Makes me wish it were 1981 again…only not as a geeky 12 year old who got beat up every day.  If it were 1981 and I knew what I do now it would be interesting.  I could have a lot of fun with that.

Speaking of Journey, I decided to go ahead and get my ticket for the show on August 5, even though it is at Crew Stadium (outside.)  I don’t generally like to go to outside shows because of the lack of A/C, but it starts at 7PM, so at least it’s not in the heat of the day.  Journey only makes it to Columbus every couple of years or so, and they aren’t getting any younger.  Neal Schon is pushing 60, Jonathan and Ross are over 60, and Arnel and Deen are both over 40, and given the lifespans of rock musicians, that’s not a comforting thought.  I should take any opportunity to see them that I can get. Foreigner and Night Ranger (also very good bands live) are opening for them, so this is a show worth having to contend with stygian heat and/or the prospect of torrential rain. The nice thing about this show is that it will be an older crowd.  Usually the over 40 set is not into throwing things, fighting or stealing stuff- and it’s reserved seats- so barring weather extremes, it should be a pleasant evening. 

Jerry has been on yet another trip on the self-pity express.  I don’t feel sorry for him.  He brings his own misery upon himself.  I do try to find the humor in it, otherwise I’d have to throttle him. 

Last night he decided to go to the hell hole again.  He staggered in around 10PM which was nice.  I had a quiet evening until he came home.  The best thing for me to do is to pretend I’m asleep.  He knows better than to try to wake me up- even when he’s shitfaced, usually- because I am rather nasty when I’m disturbed late at night.  If he sees that I’m awake he will torment me, and I’ll never get to bed, but if I stay under the radar he will usually prattle on to the walls (or Isabel if she is in view) about various unintelligible nonsense for an hour or so until he passes out.  I got lucky last night.  He was sprawled across the bed, pants down, snoring and near comatose before 11. 

Jerry has had many shitfaced conversations with poor Isabel.  According to him, she’s the only one who understands him when he’s shitfaced.  I never knew that cats could understand the ramblings of the insanely drunk. 

I should put a collar on Isabel with a speaker in it.  When Jerry’s shitfaced and talks to her, I could have her reply through her collar speaker.  It would be a hoot.

Jerry: “Whaats aff? Gotta pith…”  (falling over something)

Isabel: “Go to bed, shit head!”

Jerry: “Where’s foooooooooood?”

Isabel: “Shut up, or it’s gonna be up your ass.” 

That could be funny.  Isabel can out run him, and she always has the option of disappearing down the cat hole (there’s a cat-sized hole in the basement door for cat access so they can use the litter box, but the dogs can’t get to the litter box and use it as a snack bar) when she’s had enough of his “conversation.”