No Apologies, Stop the Hype, and the One Human Race

american flag

Having been in the automotive industry for 30+ years, I have been conditioned to apologize for a lot of things that were never my fault. I have apologized for missed deadlines due to shippers losing parts, for techs breaking things, for jobs that were found out to be far worse than the initial estimate indicated, and so on.  I know the art of the apology very well, and I am one of those people who apologizes as a sort of knee jerk reaction. You blew up your engine because you thought you were supposed to do oil changes every 50,000 miles instead of 5,000?-  I’m sorry. Weather too hot or too wet?  – I’m sorry. Kid falls and breaks his/her leg? – I’m sorry.  It just rolls off the tongue.

I have found it necessary for my own personal integrity and honor to draw the line on making certain apologies that the Marxist controlled media is trying to shame me into making.


Here’s the truth, folks.^

I refuse to apologize for being a Christian, and more specifically a confessional Lutheran Christian. I will readily confess and ask forgiveness for my own sins to God and to those I have sinned against, but I will not apologize for my faith in Christ alone, faith alone, grace alone.  Life and hope is found in Christ alone, and if you want to shoot me for that or persecute me for stating that truth, go right ahead. I’ve already outlived my projected lifespan by about 14 years already.

I refuse to apologize for my ethnic heritage and/or the lack of melanin in my skin. My Celtic ancestors were like as not held as slaves at one time or another (see: history of Scandinavia, the British Isles, esp. Scotland, and northern Europe) and/or my Scandinavian ancestors (read: Vikings) may have held people as slaves. Big deal. I have never owned slaves. I have never been a slave (save to the power of sin, as are all humans.)

As Americans we all have the God-given rights that are spelled out in the Constitution. I don’t think it is taught correctly, if at all, any more or we would not be experiencing the rampant Marxist power grabs that some in government are perpetrating.

I am quick to use the word Marxist because Marxism is what is going on. The push toward Marxism in the United States has grown ever since the days of Woodrow Wilson.  The Allies had no stomach for finishing off Stalin after the defeat of Hitler and of Japan, which left the door open to the Cold War and for various forms of socialism, communism and full blown Marxism to take root in the world.

General George Patton was a vocal critic of Stalin and the Soviet Union, and in his eyes the war would not be finished without defeating the USSR as well as the Nazis. His suspicious death in 1945 from complications from a car accident (that he appeared to be recovering from) may indicate that there were some in American government even in the 1940s who at the very least were against the idea of defeating the Soviet Union, and at the worst were advocates of communism themselves.  While no one has proven that Patton was assassinated, his death was not only suspicious but highly advantageous to those in American government who had aligned with Stalin and who didn’t have a problem with his regime. Had Patton lived and gotten his way, perhaps the Cold War could have been avoided, and history would have been far less kind to Marxism.  Then again, if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle.  We can’t change the past, but we need to understand it and learn from it.

deaths communism

The unfortunate realities of forced collectivism- whether the ideology is fascist or Marxist- is that it ignores both human psychology and natural law.

Margaret Thatcher was quoted as saying that the problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people’s money.

Natural law teaches us that there is always an exchange.  Nothing is free.  Someone has to pay for everything. The problem with socialism is that everyone wants the resources but doesn’t have to do anything to earn them.  What ends up happening is what happens in Orwell’s Animal Farm. Some pigs are always “more equal” than others, and the fewer people who are willing to work means there are fewer resources to be spread among more people.  This gives rise to the powerful oligarchy who has everything, while the average person is kept at their mercy.

I am not going to apologize for being a Christian. I am not going to apologize for being white- and for not buying into the whole race game to begin with, because color and ethnic origin are merely varieties of the same human race, the same species. I am also not going to apologize for being a constitutionalist and a conservative, because the representative republican system (the United States is NOT a pure democracy) the Framers outlined in the Constitution, when it is understood and properly implemented, is a far better system than Karl Marx spewed forth.

Ronald Reagan once said that a communist follows Marx and Lenin, but an anti-communist has read and understands Marx and Lenin.  On the surface their writings sound like utopia on earth, but I challenge any proponent of Marxism to dig into them and truly understand how forced collectivism steals the soul of humanity and leads to death, destruction and suffering on a vast scale.  Read the Communist Manifesto.  Study the history of the 20th century and see how many died at the hands of Lenin, Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung. This is the way that the Marxists in this country- read: Democratic Party- want it.  They want to ditch the Constitution in favor of a failed system that does not work to preserve their own comfy oligarchy, just like Marx, Lenin and Mao.

I understand I am old, especially considering my history of illnesses, and laundry list of health issues, and that the average lifespan for an autistic person is 37 years (somehow by the grace of God I’ve made it to 51) so if my life is over soon I really don’t care. I do care about the future of the country and I do care about the kind of world my granddaughter will have to live in.  The Great Experiment is not over, unless we allow left wing extremists to sell us a bill of goods.

As a Christian, as a human being, as an American, I pray to God that people will not buy the Marxist hype.  I pray that law and order and decency will prevail, and that we will finally stop judging each other by stupid things like the color of one’s skin. How much is it to ask of people to be peaceful, productive and to contribute to society?


Orwell’s 1984 Is Not an Instruction Manual, Mine is a Second Amendment Household, and Deep, Deep Misanthropy


I do not entertain solicitors of any kind.

warning sign

I like this cautionary sign a bit better.

I thought that life was weird before. Of course, the 2020 COVID plandemic has to take the prize, not only for governmental overreach, but in displaying the absolute worst that humanity has to offer. Three months later and people are still wearing masks and are scared shitless of each other. The only good thing I see right now is that Costco now has plenty of shit paper for all again.

I am not at all butt hurt for lack of physical contact with others. Not being expected to glad hand and God forbid, hug people, takes a weight off my shoulders. I like working and doing my dealings online as it’s a lot less stressful. I can focus on what I’m doing rather than on all the intricacies of body language, eye contact and tone of voice. It’s easier for me to deal in the single dimension of the written word. In my world, physical contact is pretty much for family (and a very few very close friends) only anyway. I need that t-shirt that says “NOT A HUGGER.” Not because I am afraid of COVID (I am a hell of a lot more afraid of strep, with my disaster of a medical history) but because I don’t want strange people touching me. The only exceptions I would take to that would be the necessary touching that must take place for medical care or hair cutting, and even those points of contact wigged me out long before COVID.

This planned destruction of the economy and attempted coup on President Trump that sparked the hysteria over a disease less lethal than seasonal flu, is much more disquieting than even a paper nightie visit to the gyno. (yet another fringe benefit of having had a total hysterectomy- no cervix, no need for a yearly PAP smear…yay!)

Those of us who have studied history and who understand forced collectivism find it frightening that so many people can think Marxism is the answer to society’s ills. Socialism, fascism, communism, Marxism, Islam- whatever the moniker or the far left or far right ideology behind them- all of the forms of forced collectivism are fatally flawed.

Forced collectivism goes against human nature and the innate drive to survive.

We can see the problem very clearly in the example of the Seattle Autonomous Zone or Deranged Hippie Alliance or whatever they want to call themselves. Nobody wants to work. Everyone seems to perceive their own special snowflake selves as somehow entitled to what they haven’t earned. The phrase that my very Catholic mother loved to drill in to my head when I was a child comes to mind, “Beggars can’t be choosers.” Only these beggars seem a bit picky given their predicament.


The squatters in Seattle think the rest of the world owes them crap. Nope.

If the squatters in the No Bathing Zone were actually interested in virtuous self sufficient living they might want to look up the Amish. They live (quite successfully may I add) off the grid.  No computers, or paying tax, or enduring the politics and micromanagement inherent to working in the cubby farms for them.

The Amish don’t use modern technology, nor do they tolerate laziness. In their society one must pull his or her own weight. I don’t mind hard work, but I like technology too much to go down that trail. Electricity and flush toilets are pretty high on my list of essential things I am willing to pay for. Doing a hard day’s work without the benefits of air conditioning or the ability to pinch a loaf on my nice comfy toilet and flush it on down, in the air conditioned comfort of my bathroom, would make the hard work somehow not seem worth it.

I don’t owe the descendants of slaves anything either. I never owned slaves. My Celtic ancestors like as not were slaves at one time.  Big deal.  Nobody owes me anything for that either.

Of course in this election year the Democrats (or should I just refer to them as Flaming Marxists, because that’s what they are) are trying to pull out the race card again. It’s a shame that anyone falls for the racism rhetoric anymore.  Anyone who believes that the exaggerated reaction to the death of George Floyd was anything other than a political stunt, I applaud your naïveté.

If the dirty Dems would study history (and they don’t study it with any kind of rational lens,) they would discover that the race riots of 1968 did not do them any political favors. Neither will the race riots of 2020, especially since the motivation behind the 2020 riots is more about scoring big screen TVs from Target and burning things down for the hell of it rather than fighting “systemic racism.”

Why do I call Democrats Flaming Marxists?  For historical accuracy, of course. The KKK was founded by and largely supported by Democrats (flaming crosses ring a bell?) and they seem to espouse and glorify the teachings of Karl Marx. Two of the things Democrats do best are to portray minorities (and to a lesser degree, women) as pitiable victims with no abilities and no capacity for accountability instead of human beings created equal to all other human beings with the same rights and responsibilities, and the other is to put forth the notion that forced collectivism will cure society’s ills.

The truth is that Democrats and today’s snowflake nation refuse to take any personal accountability.  It’s easy to point the finger of blame, but the decline of society can’t be pinned down to one simple cause or explanation.

Neither can over 50 years of the welfare state and the continuous corruption and dumbing down of public education be undone in one presidential term- or in four or five, and that’s assuming we don’t get another Manchurian candidate like Obama foisted upon the nation like a wrecking ball to inflict even more race baiting, chaos, destruction and anarchy.  I don’t carry a whole lot of optimism that the evil Marxist tide first set in motion in the days of LBJ and amplified a million times by Obama can be reversed any time soon, if at all, but I will fight tooth and nail against any form of forced collectivism. I know one old woman can’t do much but I won’t be silent, and I will do what I can.

trump no crybabies

We learn in Scripture,

I will praise the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in human beings, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.

Psalm 146:2-4 (ESV)

The bottom line is we can try to elect and support officials who will do the right things, but at the end of the day God is the only one who is trustworthy.  I have little to no faith in humanity. Never did, and probably never will.

I also have absolutely no trust in the media, either.  1984 was meant to be taken as a cautionary tale, not as an instruction manual. The media lies so much that nothing they say can be trusted.