The Emperor’s New Clothes- and the NWO’s New “Great Plague”


Most of us learned the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen when we were children. (For those unfamiliar with the story, it is available on Amazon Kindle at a very affordable price.)  The moral of the story is that people (including the emperor himself) were deceived by an out and out lie.  The emperor was supposedly wearing the most lavish and expensive and beautiful clothing- but only the very intelligent and learned would be able to see them.  The ruse went on, with the people as well as the emperor pretending that the emperor was wearing the finest of finery because no one wanted to admit that they weren’t intelligent and enlightened enough to see his “clothes.”  That is, until a child on the emperor’s parade route screams out, “He’s NAKED!”

So what does the naked emperor have to do with the current COVID-19 hysteria?

The moral of the story of course.  The people, as well as their public servants, are letting themselves be held captive to an out and out lie.  Our government does not want to admit that they crashed the economy and put millions of people out of work out of fear of a disease that will be proven to be less lethal than the seasonal flu that hits every year. We accept that the seasonal flu that kills thousands of the ill and frail every year is normal, just like we accept traffic deaths and suicides and the greatest holocaust of our time, the gratuitous killing of millions of unborn human beings in the name of “choice.”

The COVID crisis is a “plandemic,” if I may borrow a new word, put in place by various consortiums of world governments.  I’m not the garden variety conspiracy theorist but the behavior of the American far left (i.e. the Democratic party, which has been overrun with socialists, globalists and Marxists) is anything but in favor of American hegemony or the best interest of individual American citizens.  They are getting progressively more dishonest and progressively more anti-American and anti-Constitution by the moment.

So here’s the globalist far left game plan: Let’s take a disease that is less lethal than seasonal flu and turn it into an excuse for global panic and isolation.  Let’s shut down the economy and show those capitalists that the people really want a nanny state and need a one world government to protect them from all this “evil.” 

It’s a page from Saul Alinsky’s wonderful (insert sarcasm here) tome “Rules for Radicals” – Never let a good crisis go to waste. And if you have to manufacture the crisis, oh, well.  Marxism was never about telling the truth.

This current plandemic doesn’t smell right on many levels.  Why is Walmart “safe” but church isn’t?  If this disease were so horrid and deadly, millions of Walmart shoppers would be dead and dying.

Why are our First, Fourth and Tenth Amendment rights being steamrollered for this?

For those who weren’t taught the Constitution in school (I am showing my advancing age here) the First Amendment violations I speak of are censorship of free speech, forbidding peaceable assembly, and forbidding the freedom to worship.  The Fourth Amendment is violated when shop owners are forbidden to use their skills or property to earn their living- their livelihoods are being effectively seized and shut down by governmental decree. Restaurants and hair dressers will lose their licenses to operate should they try to do business amidst the COVID frenzy. The Tenth Amendment is being violated as states interfere with the First and Fourth Amendment rights, which is beyond their authority to do.  States cannot make laws that violate the Federal Constitution.

There are some who argue that reopening commerce and public spaces will allow this virus to spread.  Funny how states are not demanding antibody testing to support their claims of how deadly COVID is.  There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence that suggests that COVID made its rounds through much of the US in January 2020, long before the hype began. It would not be surprising that the demand for antibody testing is being suppressed, for if the truth comes out that the disease was widespread, was minor in almost all cases, and has run its course, the excuse for hobbling the economy and destroying people’s businesses and livelihoods evaporates.

The emperor is naked, folks.  We are killing ourselves and running people into poverty and ruin because nobody in positions of power is willing to admit they were wrong.  The models were skewed from the beginning and based on bogus data. The data is still being falsified, even down to hospitals claiming every death is COVID even if it is a car accident or a beheading, so they can get the extra cash.  And if we blithely go along with the ones who hold the reins of power, we are pretending to see clothes on a naked emperor too.  It’s all about governmental overreach and certain people lining their pockets.  As always, follow the money.

I do have a few side notes I will add to my opinion here. For the past 40+ years, since I had rheumatic fever in 1979, I am extremely vulnerable to strep infections. I have a far greater statistical risk of contracting strep throat, getting rheumatic fever again, and dying from it than I do of dying from COVID.  I have always been a bit hyper aware of keeping my hands washed and keeping away from people who are known to be carrying illness for that reason, but that is just common sense.

I cannot lock myself away in quarantine my entire life, even though contracting any kind of strep infection is a serious and a very real risk for me. I have to go out and live and wander about in the common sea of contagion. And the reality of life is that we all do.

Granted I have some small recourse, if I know I have been exposed to strep at home or work I can get a course of penicillin that should keep the strep at bay.  In the past 40 years I have had to do this about five times.  However, with the heart valve and joint damage I already have, I am very aware that a second round of rheumatic fever can kill me.

The bottom line is that life has risks.  The average person has a greater risk of falling in the shower and dying than dying from COVID. The average person has a far greater risk of dying in a car accident than dying from COVID. But are we banning showering or driving (and for God’s sake, don’t give the Marxists ideas!)?

The COVID crisis has given us a good warning of the dangers of poor hygiene, overcrowding and poor sanitation. Its prevalence in the prison population definitely gives credence to the spread of contagious disease and overcrowding.   Public places have long since been filthy and havens of disease.  Schools are a great example of this. As soon as kids are in school in the fall, the contagious disease and parasite fair begins.  It’s not just schools, though. Public restrooms are not always kept clean, and individual people are absolutely filthy in leaving their trash, urine and feces where they do not belong.

If there could be one good takeaway from COVID, it should be a renewed awareness of personal hygiene and cleanliness in public places as well as the detrimental effects of overcrowding.  Packing office workers into cubby farms in poorly ventilated rooms with no windows is not a hygienic practice- one person gets sick, the whole room gets sick. Some degree of social distancing is a healthy thing all the time.  Ventilation, natural light, and space need to be part of everyone’s work environment as much as possible.

While greater sanitation and less crowding will help reduce the spread of ALL contagious diseases and parasites, COVID is proving out to not be the Great New Plague that the far left wanted.  It certainly has caused certain state and local governments to use the Constitution as toilet paper yet again, but the far left has been working toward undermining our Constitutional rights for years. Yes, we should be more aware of sanitation, hygiene and avoiding overcrowding, but we should have been doing that all along. The response to COVID has been akin to taking a machine gun to kill a fly. The fly goes on blissfully unharmed, but the collateral damage inflicted is catastrophic.

Let’s be aware of contagious disease because it has been and will always be all around us, but let’s also keep ourselves and our environments clean, avoid overcrowding, and get back to work!